Reptile Apartment | Origin Story
It was April 22, 2010 when I publicly announced Reptile Apartment. It had officially went live on April 1st, but was released to a small audience test on April 5th.
“My main goal is to educate people living in small environments, primarily apartments, on the unique challenges of keeping a reptile or insect. There’s an alarming lack of actionable data on this topic and a lack of information or an abundance of misinformation is impacting the quality of life for reptiles and insects everywhere.”
Happy Anniversary to the Reptile Apartment Tribe who have helped us grow to where we are now.
I went public with Reptile Apartment on the 5th of April to honor my dad. Richard E. Taylor was born April 5th, 1927 and died October, 12 2007. My dad shared with me his passion for the natural world and always trying to surmise the ways of the animals and what made them do what they did.
The first month into Reptile Apartment, I wrote and published fourteen articles averaging 1,500 words each.
Today Reptile Apartment is known globally for numerous topics within herpetoculture. The one thing we are best known for, is this; integrity.
Our motto came from my son who had to interview a professional ‘artist’ if memory serves. Being an author I fit the bill of ‘artist’ and one of the questions he asked was
“Why do you write about reptiles?”
There was the slightest moment when I drew in a deep breath and without hesitation I said it
“It’s not a desire; it’s an obsession to share my knowledge with people interested in herpetoculture.”
Seven years later, I have an incredible staff of volunteer writers who epitomize my sentiment and also have the open mind(s) to learn from everyone.
In 2014 Reptile Apartment went through a massive overhaul into what is now it’s current state. This would never have happened without some folks who helped a great deal. Some of these same people also led me to some of the most extreme circumstances I would ever encounter. I hope you’ll continue to enjoy the journey with Reptile Apartment. We ended with 120,000 readers last year (2016) and we are on track to smash that record-setting year already.
In closing, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention those incredible sponsors who continue to support Reptile Apartment Group. Our sponsors are not the “Buy-a-Banner” type. Those who are sponsoring us are invited because we trust them and have used their product or attended their venue and found them to hold the same values of professionalism within herpetoculture and promotion of responsible captive breeding programs. Please check these folks as we have a vast array from feeders to reptile shows!